Friday, March 6, 2015

AOW Interpretations, Stanley Suter.

          This week during the AOW Interpretations, we focused on what we seem to do every week. ISIS. They always seem to be making big news because they are aggravating so many different countries. Just last week they were being bombed for having killed christians, and this week they are releasing 19 because they want to "follow the law." They have also been luring children from America to try and get them to join. Earlier this week, two teens were spotted in Turkey after having talked to the ISIS recruiter trying to cross the border into Syria. After listening to the class's articles, I think that ISIS is finally stepping down from what they were doing before because some countries have finally caught notice and attacked them.

          Some other articles had to do with how parents were refusing to get vaccinations for the flu and other common diseases. Measles have had recent outbreaks and California, and a lot of rumors are going around claiming that the vaccinations create a higher chance for autism in children. This is a rumor, and vaccinations are being promoted by the recent outbreaks, however many children still do not get the vaccinations that they need to stay safe each year.


  1. Awesome! You did a great job covering almost everything we talked about, and everything you wrote, made sense. Good Job ;)

  2. I do agree with you when you say the major topic was ISIS, but the number of articles having to do with ISIS was a lower than last week. I liked how you included bits of information from every article. Is the vaccination for measles a rumor? I wonder if in the future schools districts will make it mandatory for every child to get vaccinated for measles. I think that this disease might reach to other states. Great Blog Post.

  3. Good job! I agree with what you said on how we seem to be focusing on ISIS a lot. I personally wasn't planning on choosing an article about ISIS but it seems to be one of the only things I can find information about. I liked how you included what some of the other articles talked about. By the way, I liked you article about the Vertical Gardens!

  4. I commented on Elenia, Isabella P., and Nadrian
