Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Chesapeake By: Stanley Suter

 Prompt-Who is your favorite character? Who is your least favorite character? Why?

          This week I have been reading "Chesapeake" and I continue to like it more and more as I go through the book. This week we find that Rosalind's sons come back from over a decade at a church, having learned french, latin, and english and went through Harvard in England. Rosalind has won the fight against women being whipped for minor injustices, and Judge Hank and his court have practically been warring against her. When she goes into court for two days, they first speak her rudeness throughout the community, mainly with the "disgusting" but true things she says. The next day the mood within the court is greatly shifted when the own Judge Hank is tried for abusing his child.

        My favorite character in the book would have to be Edmund Steed. I like him for the reasons of bravery as well as strength through morals. He was the first man (other than the Spaniard ship) to set foot on Devon Island, which soon became his home for many generations. Because this was in Missouri, where all things at the time where savage and hostile he made peace with Indians by showing them devices like his Compass, and giving them new ways to grow crops and hunt with a rifle. This was also at a point where catholics and priests where hanged in England, and very few catholics where still alive. He continued to practice his faith, even though he could have died because of it.

         My least favorite character would be Judge Hank. He is the slimiest person that we've seen so far in the book. For little things, such as the words a woman says in public, he would charge a huge fine, such as two tons of grade A tobacco. But, when he abuses a child, or gets drunk and says something stupid he doesn't get penalized. He even went against a contract saying he had to cloth, feed, and take in a child. Instead, he simply gave her a single dress, which she was forced to wear all week until saturday, when she washed it and wore it still damp to church the next morning.

1 comment:

  1. I liked how you included very specific descriptions of your favorite and least favorite characters. It seems like you almost used characterization in the description of the characters. The other thing I liked about your blog is that you paraphrased and quoted the part that made you like or hate a certain character. I never knew this book had to do with the catholic religion. Great Blog Post.
