Monday, January 13, 2014

The Story of my Dramatic, Fear Infested Life. By: Brad "Bam" Bamford - As seen in The Dead

            "There not zombies, just - diseased."

     It all started with the video. It has been two weeks since the disease struck, and right now, I feel I am our only hope. We are running out of food and our shelter is faltering. The mothers and fathers have taken down our barricades and our system of “lock” isn’t helping us much. Two of our best men almost died because we couldn’t get the 200 pound wardrobe out of the way in time. Then there is the crew. We have the fashion king, the wimp, Wikipedia, and Jack. As I was saying before, just before the disease struck a video showed up on Youtube. It had a little boy on a    video camera screaming and crying, saying that the "mothers and fathers" had taken Sammy, and now they had come back for him. Now we didn't think too much of it at the time, but no kid is that great of an actor, and just after that it became most watched ever on Youtube. Then the video was taken down, then Youtube, finally the internet. Thats when we found out something was really going wrong. And this is where I had to end up, with our world practically falling apart!

          So now, as we just set off because of lack of food we were attacked, our group cut in half and were picked up by a man who should be sick, and his little kid. They said that they where going to their own little family place and that we where not welcome. A giant fight broke out and we all rested - well restlessly. In the morning it turned out he was sick and we barely got away to the museum of WWII, got me a nice spiked club and armor, where told we wheren't welcome again. The good news, I happened to lead our group into a couple of other kids. Immediately after we set off, we reached a supermarket and found a truck full of food. When the other boys saw the body, well you can just guess who had to get him out. So I climbed in, opened the door, kicked him out, then hurled. It also happens I  became leader for my "heroic" actions and am now the representative for my group, no being let back into the museum. One of the people that we picked up, the girl, is pretty suspicious. She wouldn't eat any of the food I gave her and she denies telling where she came from.

        I just shot Jack. Of course, it was all due to my awesome "leadership skills". We were heading to jacks house so that he could complete unfinished business. So, we see about 200 army vehicles next to a cricket stadium and im struck with genius. Why not get guns and supplies to make this trip even easier? I send Ed to get the medical supplies and pistols while we find the food and better weapons. I guess curiosity just sparked that the whole army was parked outside of a sports stadium. We walk in to find it filled with people, only they where not alive. In the base of the stadium, there was what looked like a halfed finished construction site. only not for building, but bombs for destroying. We ran as fast as we could back toward the exit we hear the moans of the sick. We had only one option as others rose, go towards the base. As another stroke of genius hit me. Shoot the bomb. The whole stadium collapsed with myself in a pocket of darkness. I heard footsteps and shot. Only my target was Jack. He seems ok other than the heavy bleeding in his side. We have to keep moving.

        We are leaving the museum to get away from the fire eating at north london. The main bridge had bottle-necked and was shaking because of the weight on top of it. As soon as we where over half-way across the bridge the great mass of kids was pushed forwards. So I sent half of the muscle down toward the mouth of the bridge and the other to clear the front where a fight had broken out. A gunshot sounded and we were allowed down the bridge, closely being followed by the sick. I had to get out of the truck. I ran back to fight the diseased, letting all the anger I possesed from the world on the people who ruined it. They quickly overwhelmed us. We had to use our remaining strength to get down toward the docks.  We boarded the ship as fast a possible and immediatly left. No one knowing how to steer, we had the fear of washing out to sea. The crash solved that problem. We hit a pillar and boarded the lifeboats, giving us a bit more controll. Intell we finally hit land, right next to the Tower of London. We decided to stay there because it was fit in all ways. Easily defendable, big, had weapons, and new recruits. 

 Other sites -
 The Scared Kid

Sources -


  1. I had the same situation as you. My ship the Tsimsum sinked because of an explosion in the lower deck. I had to survive 227 days at sea with a little bit of food and water. I wonder what Youtube is I've never heard anything of the sort in 1978. Your description of the city is reminding me of India. We must survive the fight against adversity especially in your situation - Richard Parker

  2. I commented on Diego, Carlos, and Nadrian.

  3. Bam,
    Your life is what my people believe the Barbarians of america are like.

  4. wow it seems you are going through a lot of things. Well I guess your not the only one since me being Hansel have experienced dangerous adventures and have seen scary things. I guess we both live in a weird world.

  5. Hello, I'm Annette! It seems like you've gone through a lifetime worth of chaotic craziness! I don't know how I could live in a world that seemed to be literally falling apart beneath my feet! I thought it was hard handling a little girl who's mother had abandoned her, but obviously there are people going through much worse. The video that had been uploaded of the poor boy about to get killed, I couldn't even watch the rest of because I was too scared, I can't even begin to imagine living in that. Best wishes to you, and stay safe!

    -Annette (Gram)

  6. Wow Brad, it seems like you have been through a lot. But don't worry about it bro, everything will pay off in the end. Trust me. The video is crazy, I can't imagine going through that, and I've been through a lot! Well best of luck man.
    - Peeta Mellark
