Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Heat, by Stanley Suter

          Prompt-Who is your favorite character? Who is your least favorite character? Why?

          This week I have been reading "Heat" by Mike Lupica, and so far it is really unrealistic. The book starts out with a robber taking an old woman's purse, and being too quick for the cops to catch him. So a kid named Michael hits him (with a baseball) with enough force to knock the robber out from home plate. As you can see, a teenager being able to do that is so slim that it seems impossible. But he goes home to where his brother is getting ready for the three jobs that he works, and his brother flips out on him for saying that they couldn't afford baseball tickets to a yankees game. The whole thing seems over dramatized and more that a little corny, but Lupica writes well.

          My least favorite character so far would have to be the old lady that owns the floor. She purposely was carrying around a purse that was meant to look much more expensive than it was. She was also flashing over 100 dollars, so it is no surprise that she was robbed and knocked over. I know it wasn't right to be robbed, because it sucks if your the one it's being done to, but she was asking for it. She goes senile screaming "THIEF THIEF" and i'm sorry for picking on the old woman, but that was obnoxious and I can't stand things like that.

          My favorite character would be Michaels brother, Carlos (I don't know why but when I think of him I picture Carlos). He refuses to give up to poverty and instead of working off of our poverty system he works his hardest to support for Michael and himself. It is clearly stressing him out that he can't afford to buy anything nice for Michael or himself and he can barely keep up with his rent, bills, and food. None the less, he promises to take Michael to a baseball game before the season ends, making him a very respectable character.

Nadrian, Citlalli, Sarai.

1 comment:

  1. I commented on Nadrian, Citlalli, and Sarai.
