Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Character Comparison-"To Kill a Mockingbird", By Stanley Suter

           Prompt-5-Aunt Alexandra and Atticus.

          This week I have been reading "To kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. I am finding the amount of hidden symbolism, and how deeply things can be anyilized extremely refreshing and fun. I am currently at a point in the book were many of the people in Maycomb county, AL are harassing Atticus and his family for being "Negro Defenders", and Scout becomes confused to why her father did not tell her that he was forced to defend him, as it would have helped her dodge many fights with the town folk.

          I think that it is pretty obvious that Atticus is an alter ego to Scout, because on top of having very similar morals, such as keeping your temper, and their love to read, he had a large effect just by raising her. Atticus managed to keep scout interested in school by his leverage of letting her read with him after school. He himself also loves reading, because at almost every point in the book, he is either reading, or someone is talking about how much he likes to read. He also shows Jem and Scout how courage is not a man with a gun in his hand, instead it is not giving up on something you believe in "when you already know your licked."

          Aunt Alexandra is again, obviously a foil. This is because the main reason for her coming to the Finch's house was to contradict the bad ideas of Scout and Jem. She was brought in, and said explicitly that she was there because it was in their best interest for a "female presence." Scout immediatly dislikes the idea, and Aunt Alexandra thinks of Scout as a dull person (although, it could be because she talks differently to her Aunt with words like "Yessum.") Her Aunt is also a very social person, in the book it said she was a part of a hosting club, and was very popular within the town. I see scout as the opposite. She sticks with the same friends, Dill and Jem, and falls into a yearly routine.

I commented on Carlos, Diego, and Gabe.


  1. I liked how you mentioned symbolism in your blog because from the birds to the flowers, they all symbolize something in the novel. In your last paragraph, I found it great how you provided the opinions of Aunt Alexandra towards her niece Scout. In Maycomb it seems that the Finch family is very famous especially because of Atticus and Alexandra. I wonder if Uncle Jack was famous when he lived in Maycomb. Great Blog Post.
